Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation

Vitamin/mineral supplements are a key part of my health plan. There are so many supplements on the market though, it's hard to know what to take. I focus on simple, single purpose vitamin/mineral supplements. These would be:
  • Vitamin D3 - 15 minutes of sitting in the sun before noon is the best way to get Vitamin D. For supplementing, get your Vitamin D level checked by a doctor, so you know what amount to start off with. It can vary depending on the season, lower in the winter if spending more time indoors and higher in the summer if spending more time outdoors. The Endocrine Society recommends 1,000-2,000IU of Vitamin D per day to maintain healthy bones, teeth, muscles and immune function. I take 5000IU every other day, but don't spend a lot of time outdoors.
  • Vitamin C - This helps with bleeding gum issues. It's also good to take when sick to help fight off illnesses like colds and flu.
  • Magnesium - A large majority of people are low in magnesium because today's food is grown in soil that lacks nutrients due to pesticides and fertilizer use. A few things magnesium helps with include relaxation, lowering blood pressure, headaches, muscle spasms and depression.
  • Omega 3 fish oil or algae if sensitive to fish - Omega 3 helps with reducing inflammation, protects the heart and heals and protects the brain. Nutritionist JJ VIrgin's son was hit by a car and left with a severe brain injury. As part of his recovery plan she made sure he was given fish oil and credits it as being a key reason he recovered so well.
  • Probiotic - Gut health and the microbiome are a huge contributor to overall health. What goes on in the gut also affects the brain.
  • Multivitamin - Since today's food is lower in nutrients, a good quality multivitamin helps fill in the blanks. This is probably the best supplement to start with.
Choose the best versions of a vitamin that your budget can afford. Buy brands with the least amount of fillers. Powders that are added to water usually contain less fillers, but aren't as convenient to take. You have to be careful with multi purpose or herbal supplements. They are not regulated, contain fillers and may not contain the advertised ingredient amounts. Only buy from reputable supplement companies. Always avoid weight loss supplements. Diet and exercise are better ways to achieve weight loss. It's harder, but healthier. There are also higher quality supplements from brands like Cell Core Biosciences, that can only be obtained through a provider. They are pricier, but if you are suffering from serious health issues, it would be worth it to work with a professional who can provide the correct ones to improve your health. Challenge: Research vitamin/mineral supplementation and decide if it might help you. Talk to your doctor about it. If they are against vitamin supplementation, find a new doctor. #ads More Vitamin Resources


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